To convert 3.25 feet to inches, we multiply by 12:
3.25 feet * 12 inches/foot = 39 inches
Since there is a board that measures 39 inches in length, Mia will use that board for the length of the shelter.
Mia is building a three-sided shelter for her action figures. The shelter will resemble a
rectangle with one of the long sides removed. She has boards that measure 36
inches, 39 inches, and 42 inches in length; all the boards are the same width. Mia will
need to convert some of these measurements into other imperial units to build the
shelter the way she wants.
Question 1
Mia will use one of these boards for the length of the shelter. She knows she wants
the length of the shelter to measure 3.25 feet. She will use a different board for the
width of the shelter. The width of the shelter will be shorter than the length.
Which board will Mia use for the length of the shelter, given that 1 foot = 12
1 answer