in this case, water is in gaseous form.
CH4(g)+O2 (g)>>>CO2(g) + H2O(g)
Methane gas burns in air to give carbon dioxide and water.
a) give a chemical equation
b) How can the mixture of these gases be separated
b) Which gases does it mean?? Can anyone tell me..
7 answers
@Bobpursley sir.. so it means that we need to separate carbon dioxide and steam.. right?
That's right. Think what temperature H2O condenses from gas to liquid (or freezes to a solid) vs temperature CO2 condenses from gas to solid.
what is the process of separation?
ok. what do we need to do after both of the gases have been liquified???
can we do it this way : keep the mixture at less than 100 degree C , then the steam will condense into liquid water and co2 stays as gas
i don't know the answer from raghib