Here are the translations of the provided Afrikaans words and phrases into English:
mening: The public opinion. The viewpoint of most people on a matter. *The public view.
moedverloor: To be down in the dumps. Feeling very disheartened. *Be down in the dumps.
mooi: The best of all is. To crown everything/The peak is. *The best of all is.
moses: To meet one's match. To come across your superior. *Meet one's match.
- Moses here is related to 'moesoek' (Malay for an opponent, superior).
muur: To be done for. To be finished. *Be done for.
naelskraap: He just barely won. He won by a narrow margin. *It was a close shave. +It was just in time.
nek: To pay through the nose. To pay very dearly. *Pay through the nose.
neus: To look sheepish. To feel disappointed or embarrassed. *Look sheepish. +Seem taken aback.
nippertjie: At the last moment. Just in time. *In the nick of time. +At the last moment.
- Nippertjie is derived from Dutch "nijpen" meaning "to pinch." When necessity "pinches," a person does something, even if it is at the last moment.
nuuskierigheid: Curiosity killed the cat. One should not be too curious. *Curiosity killed the cat.
onbekend: Unknown, unloved. An unknown person or matter is often distrusted. *Unknown, unloved.