elm leaves === x
maple ==== 2x
oak ===== 5x
solve for x
x + 2x + 5x = 32
Melissa collected 3 kinds of leaves when she was out walking--- elm, maple, and oak. She has 2xs as many maple leaves as elm leaves and 5xs as many oak leaves as elm leaves. Altogether, she has 32 leaves. How many of each kind does she have?
3 answers
E = Elm, M = Maple, O = Oak
M = 2E
O = 5E
O + M + E = 32
Now you just guess & check. Try using the number 8 somewhere; I'm not going to do ALL of it.
M = 2E
O = 5E
O + M + E = 32
Now you just guess & check. Try using the number 8 somewhere; I'm not going to do ALL of it.
o=20 m=4 e=8