Medical and life threatening emergencies test

1 answer

1. What should you do if someone is experiencing a heart attack?

a) Lay them flat on their back
b) Give them something to eat or drink
c) Call 911 and begin performing CPR if they are unresponsive

2. What is the first step in helping someone who is choking?

a) Give them a drink of water
b) Perform abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver)
c) Call 911 and begin CPR

3. How should you respond to someone who is having a severe allergic reaction?

a) Wait for the allergic reaction to pass
b) Give them antihistamines
c) Use an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen) and call 911 immediately

4. What should you do if someone is experiencing a seizure?

a) Try to hold them down
b) Put something in their mouth to prevent them from biting their tongue
c) Move objects out of the way to prevent injury, protect their head, and call 911 if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes

5. How should you respond to someone who is experiencing a stroke?

a) Give them aspirin
b) Try to shake them awake
c) Call 911 immediately and note the time that symptoms first started

6. What should you do if someone is bleeding severely?

a) Apply direct pressure to the wound with a clean cloth
b) Elevate the wound above the heart
c) Wrap the wound with a tourniquet

7. How should you respond to someone who is experiencing a drug overdose?

a) Let them sleep it off
b) Monitor their breathing and stay with them until emergency services arrive
c) Try to force them to vomit

8. What should you do if someone is experiencing heat stroke?

a) Move them to a cool place, remove excess clothing, and apply cool compresses or ice packs to their body
b) Give them a hot drink
c) Leave them in the sun to warm up

9. How should you respond to someone who is experiencing a diabetic emergency?

a) Give them sugar water
b) Call 911 and offer them a snack
c) Give them a source of sugar such as juice, honey, or glucose tablets, and call for emergency medical assistance if they are unresponsive

10. What should you do if someone is experiencing a mental health crisis or suicidal thoughts?

a) Try to talk them out of it
b) Leave them alone so they can calm down
c) Stay with them, listen to them, and encourage them to seek professional help immediately