Means and Ends

The selection below is based on an editorial which appeared in a French newsapaper during the Reign of Terror:

Yes, terror is the order of the day, and ought to be for the selfish,...for the heartless rich,...for all who do not feel the dignity of being free men and pure republicans. Rivers of blood have been shed for gold and diamonds. Well! Does not liberty have the same right to sacrifice lives, fortunes, and even, for a time, individual liberties?...Is not the French Revolution...a deadly combat, a war to the death between those who want to be free and those content to be slaves? This is the situation, and the french people have gone too far to retreat with honor and safety. There is no middle ground; France must be entirely free or perish in the attempt, and any means are justifiable in fighting for so fine a cause....

How does the writer feel about the use of terror? Do you agree? Why or why not?

The Writer feels dreadful and depressed about the use of terror. He wishes freedom from strife and doesn’t want any wars. He knows that it is pointless to continue fighting, and gain nothing out of that but a flood of blood. Yes I totally agree with him, because that’s what I feel as well. There is so much commotion in terror for no reason at all.

By the way I did this on Microsoft word, so it could correct any grammar mistakes. Please tell me if it is good, is there anything I have missed, and please do add to it if you can, thanks.

7 answers

Sara -- I'm sorry, but you missed the author's point entirely.

The author praises terror when it's used to punish the rich and selfish. He says if the only way the French people can be free is to kill the rich, then the terror is a good cause. Study the last sentence:

France must be entirely free or perish in the attempt, and any means are justifiable in fighting for so fine a cause....
oh, I'm so sorry, I wonder why I didn't get that. Thank you.

The Writer feels good about the use of terror, when it is used to punish the rich and selfish. Yes, I agree with him because the cause of terror are the rich themselves, so it really doesn't matter if that terror itself is going to end their lives.

Does this make sense? Also is there another word I can use instead of good?
The writer feels that this terror was justified.
Thank you, overall is my answer good?
Yes. Now you've the main idea of this editorial.
Thank you so much Ms. Sue, you are the best:-)
You're very welcome.