To determine which rule will result in a triangle as the 20th shape, we need to find the pattern's length and the position of the 20th shape in that repeating pattern.
Let's analyze the given options one by one:
triangle, square, circle, circle (Pattern length = 4)
- Sequence: T, S, C, C → T (1), S (2), C (3), C (4), T (5), S (6), C (7), C (8), T (9), S (10), C (11), C (12), T (13), S (14), C (15), C (16), T (17), S (18), C (19), C (20)
- 20th shape: Circle (C)
triangle, square, circle, circle (same as above)
square, triangle, circle, circle (Pattern length = 4)
- Sequence: S, T, C, C → S (1), T (2), C (3), C (4), S (5), T (6), C (7), C (8), S (9), T (10), C (11), C (12), S (13), T (14), C (15), C (16), S (17), T (18), C (19), C (20)
- 20th shape: Circle (C)
square, triangle, circle, circle (same as above)
square, circle, circle, triangle (Pattern length = 4)
- Sequence: S, C, C, T → S (1), C (2), C (3), T (4), S (5), C (6), C (7), T (8), S (9), C (10), C (11), T (12), S (13), C (14), C (15), T (16), S (17), C (18), C (19), T (20)
- 20th shape: Triangle (T)
square, circle, circle, triangle (same as above)
circle, circle, triangle, square (Pattern length = 4)
- Sequence: C, C, T, S → C (1), C (2), T (3), S (4), C (5), C (6), T (7), S (8), C (9), C (10), T (11), S (12), C (13), C (14), T (15), S (16), C (17), C (18), T (19), S (20)
- 20th shape: Square (S)
From our analysis, the only rule that gives Maya a triangle as the 20th shape is:
square, circle, circle, triangle
This pattern will have the triangle as the 20th shape.