To subtract fractions, we need to have a common denominator. In this case, the denominator is 5.
So, we have 5 3/5 - 4 1/5.
To convert the whole numbers to fractions, we multiply the denominator (5) by the whole number and add the numerator:
5 = 5/1 = 25/5
4 = 4/1 = 20/5
The expression becomes: 25/5 + 3/5 - 20/5 + 1/5.
Combining the numerators, we have: (25 + 3 - 20 + 1) / 5 = 9 / 5.
Therefore, the result of 5 3/5 - 4 1/5 is 9/5.
Matilda is solving 5 3/5 − 4 1/5 . What is the result?
1 answer