Measuring tape, timer, marker, floating device (lemon) stadia rod, writing materials wireless sensor (dissolve oxygen, pH, colorimeter, and turbidity and conductivity, weather sensor and weather sensor tablet)
Chose a suitable straight reach (location) with a minimum turbulence (about 10 meters long)
Mark the starts and the endpoint of the reach
Divide the reach into section to measure the average depth and the width
Gently release the float slightly upstream maker and stop the watch when it reaches the upstream makers.
Measure the amount of time it takes the float to trave the marked section.
Repeat the procedure 4 to 6 at least three times and record the time.
Compute the discharged cross section area and mean velocity of stream.
Using the above information,
Write a outstanding Conclusion
summarize your key findings (results) and clearly indicate whether the field trip objectives were achieved or not achieved.
Point out any positives (strengths) or negatives (weaknesses) and make suggestions to improve this filed trip to your expectations.
1 answer
Based on the measurements and calculations obtained during the field trip, we were able to determine the discharged cross-sectional area and mean velocity of the stream. By repeating the procedure multiple times and recording the time it took for the float to travel the marked section, we were able to obtain accurate data.
Our key findings revealed that the stream had an average depth of x meters and a width of x meters. The mean velocity of the stream was calculated to be x meters per second.
Overall, the field trip objectives were successfully achieved. We were able to gather the necessary data to analyze and understand the stream's characteristics.
- The use of various sensors (dissolved oxygen, pH, colorimeter, turbidity, and conductivity) provided a comprehensive understanding of the stream's water quality.
- The inclusion of a weather sensor and tablet allowed for real-time tracking of weather conditions during the measurements.
- The use of a lemon as a floating device may not have provided the most accurate results. It is recommended to use a more standardized and precise floating device, such as a dedicated stadia rod.
- The field trip procedure could have benefited from more detailed instructions and guidance on data collection and calculations.
Suggestions for Improvement:
- Provide more training and guidance on the use of equipment and data collection procedures.
- Consider using more advanced technology, such as drones or remote sensing, to gather data from a larger area of the stream.
- Incorporate a larger sample size and more repetition of measurements to ensure accurate and reliable results.
- Involve more interactive activities or demonstrations to further engage students and enhance their understanding of stream dynamics.