Matching items
Select the correct statement under Column A to match with those statements in Column B. Type the number and the correct letter, e.g., 4.1 A
4.1 Comparative studies A. The extent to which study findings can be generalised and applied to other populations and settings.
4.2 Historical research B. The study of being or reality directed at an aspect of social reliability
4.3 External validity C. Urges the researcher to dig deep and to make every effort to find first-hand accounts and artefacts an event and tries to establish a coherence that gives meaning to the event.
4.4 Theory D. This method is useful in situations where the population size is not known, and the population elements arrive at a certain location over time.
4.5 The ontological dimension E. Concerned with whether a relationship exists between two or more variables, are guided.
4.6 Stratified sampling F. Ways of sampling, data collection and data gathering.
4.7 Statistical conclusion validity G. Regulates only the size of each category within
the sample.
4.8 Systematic sampling H. Investigate ‘whether there are differences between two or more groups on the phenomena being studied
I. Decisions on the sample size can be done according to equal allocation or proportional allocation.
J. explains how something operates in general and it enables one to move beyond the findings of any single research study
1 answer
4.2 C
4.3 A
4.4 F
4.5 J
4.6 G
4.7 H
4.8 D