Matching: Inventors & Inventions of the Gilded Age

0 points
Henry Bessemer James Hargreaves Eli Whitney James Watt Edward Jenner Henry Ford Guglielmo Marconi Thomas Edison
Advanced steel process
Phonograph (record player)
Steam engine
Smallpox vaccine
Spinning jenny
Model T automobile
Cotton gin
Advanced steel process
Phonograph (record player)
Steam engine
Smallpox vaccine
Spinning jenny
Model T automobile
Cotton gin

1 answer

Here’s the matching of inventors with their respective inventions from the Gilded Age:

  1. Henry Bessemer - Advanced steel process
  2. James Hargreaves - Spinning jenny
  3. Eli Whitney - Cotton gin
  4. James Watt - Steam engine
  5. Edward Jenner - Smallpox vaccine
  6. Henry Ford - Model T automobile
  7. Guglielmo Marconi - Radio
  8. Thomas Edison - Phonograph (record player)

Let me know if you need any more information!