Here are the matches between Column A and Column B:
- adenine: i. one of four nitrogenous bases found in DNA and RNA; pairs with thymine or uracil
- base pairing: a. Principle that bonds in DNA and between RNA molecules can form only between complimentary bases
- cytosine: f. one of four nitrogenous bases found in DNA and RNA: pairs with guanine
- guanine: h. one of four nitrogenous bases found in DNA and RNA; pairs with cytosine
- thymine: c. nitrogenous base found in DNA but not in RNA
- Inversion mutation: e. chromosomal mutation that flips a segment of the chromosome
- mutagen: d. chemical or physical agents in the environment that interact with DNA and may cause a mutation
- mutation: b. a change in the DNA
- point mutation: gene mutation in which a single base pair in DNA has been changed
- chromosomal mutation: g. a change in number of chromosomes or a large amount of DNA in an organism