Here are the terms matched to their appropriate meanings:
- Diction - word choice or the type of language an author uses
- Figurative language - expressions used for descriptive or rhetorical effects that are not likely true but that express some truth beyond the literal level
- Grammar - a system of language rules used to form sentences and speech or writing
- Line - a string of words in a poem not necessarily a full sentence or phrase
- Meter - a regular pattern of unstressed and stressed syllables in a line of poetry
- Poetic form - the particular set of rules guiding the arrangement of words and lines in a poem
- Rhyme - the repetition of the same or similar sounds in a poem
- Rhythm - the pattern of unstressed and stressed syllables in a line of poetry
- Stands - not explicitly defined in the meanings provided
- Syntax - word order or the way in which elements of language are arranged to create well-formed sentences
Note: "stands" does not have a matching definition provided in the meanings. If you have a specific context for "stands," I would be happy to help further!