Match the letter of the author with his or her description. Not all letters will be used.

A. Margaret Atwood
B. Alice Munro
C. Juan Rulfo
D. Octavio Paz
E. Carlos Solorzano
F. Derek Walcott

1. An avant-garde style is evident in scenes of my play, Crossroads: A Sad Vaudeville

2. I primarily use dialogue to tell the short story, “No Dogs Bark

3. The following passage indicates the setting of my poem:
"Mountains and lakes and more lakes
(though Quebec is a restaurant and Ontario the empty interior of parliament buildings)
with nobody climbing the trails and hauling out
the fish and splashing water..."

4. The following passage alludes to my existential world view in the poem "Two Bodies":
"Two bodies face to face
are two stars falling
in an empty sky."