Here are the answers to the vocabulary matching questions:
Question 20: Column A
- Audience: c. the people who read a written text, listen to an oral response or presentation, or watch a performance
- Attitude: a. a state involving beliefs and feelings that causes a person to think or act in a certain way.
- Style: d. a way of expressing something in writing or speech that is developed using various techniques
- Tone: b. the author's, speaker's or narrator's attitude toward a subject, evident through diction and other style elements.
- Word Choice: e. a technique of selecting specific words for precise meaning or to generate an emotional response.
Question 21: Column A
- Line: d. a string of words in a poem, not necessarily a full sentence or phrase.
- Meter: c. a regular pattern of unstressed and stressed syllables in a line of poetry.
- Stanza: a. the basic unit of a poem, made up of a series of lines
- Poetic Structure: b. the organization of words and lines as well as the rhyme and meter of a poem.
Question 22: Column A
- Open Form: d. poetic form without consistent meter, rhyme, or stanza length
- Poetic Form: e. the particular set of rules guiding the arrangement of words and lines in a poem
- Rhythm: b. the pattern of unstressed and stressed syllables in a line of poetry
- Rhyme: c. the repetition of the same or similar sounds in a poem
- Rhyme Scheme: a. the pattern formed by the rhyming words at the ends of lines in a poem
Question 23: Column A
- Resound: c. sing praises of
- Trod: a. walk heavily
- Chast'ning: b. rebuke or punishment
- Native: d. place you are born
Feel free to ask if you need further explanations or assistance!