Here’s a list that matches the terms with their definitions:
a belief in more than one god
Response: Polytheism -
Easter religion, prominent in India and across East and Southeast Asia, that seeks to understand the true source of suffering and the method to eliminate them, the Four Noble Truths
Response: Buddhism -
A monotheistic religion where followers believe that followers of other religions worship the same god under different names and in different ways
Response: Sikhism -
A belief in one god
Response: Monotheism -
an Easter religion and philosophy developed from ancient Chinese concepts of balance and harmony with nature; also spelled "Daoism"
Response: Taoism -
a monotheistic religion based on the teaching and principles of the Tanakh
Response: Judaism -
Eastern religion, originating in India; a diverse set of religious practices that aim to help the soul to rejoin Brahman or ultimate reality
Response: Hinduism
Summary of the Matching:
- Polytheism: Belief in multiple gods.
- Buddhism: Seeks to understand and eliminate suffering (Four Noble Truths).
- Sikhism: Belief that followers of different religions worship the same god in different ways.
- Monotheism: Belief in one god.
- Taoism: Philosophy of balance and harmony with nature.
- Judaism: Monotheistic religion based on the Tanakh.
- Hinduism: Practices aimed at rejoining Brahman.
This breakdown gives a clear understanding of each term and their corresponding definitions.