Match the following terms with the most appropriate definitions

drone - long, continuous, unchanging note
ethnomusicology - the study of music as a people's way of life; the study of music in culture
hertz - measures the number of sound waves per second
heterogeneous - a type of texture where there are two or more different melodies happening simultaneously
heterophony - type of texture where there are two or more musicians performing the same melody simultaneously but in different ways
homogeneous - type of texture where there is just one melody presented with no other accompanying parts
homophony - type of texture where there is one melody accompanied by some lesser important part
interval - the distance between two pitches
meter - grouping beats into regular patterns, such as duple or triple
mode - a group, or set, of pitches upon which a piece of music is based
monophony - type of texture where there is just one melody presented with no other accompanying parts
ornamentation - decorations, or other embellishments, added to the melody
pentatonic - a type of mode consisting of five notes
polyphony - type of texture where there are two or more different melodies happening simultaneously
tessitura - the characteristic, or most used, part of a melody's range
timbre - the quality that makes one sound distinct from another
tuning system - determines which pitches, or frequencies, are available in a particular culture

1 answer

drone - long, continuous, unchanging note
ethnomusicology - the study of music as a people's way of life; the study of music in culture
hertz - measures the number of sound waves per second
heterogeneous - a type of texture where there are two or more different melodies happening simultaneously
heterophony - type of texture where there are two or more musicians performing the same melody simultaneously but in different ways
homogeneous - type of texture where there is just one melody presented with no other accompanying parts
homophony - type of texture where there is one melody accompanied by some lesser important part
interval - the distance between two pitches
meter - grouping beats into regular patterns, such as duple or triple
mode - a group, or set, of pitches upon which a piece of music is based
monophony - type of texture where there is just one melody presented with no other accompanying parts
ornamentation - decorations, or other embellishments, added to the melody
pentatonic - a type of mode consisting of five notes
polyphony - type of texture where there are two or more different melodies happening simultaneously
tessitura - the characteristic, or most used, part of a melody's range
timbre - the quality that makes one sound distinct from another
tuning system - determines which pitches, or frequencies, are available in a particular culture