Match the first and last halves of each prediction statement (i.e., match the “if” statements with the appropriate “then” statements).

If the white noses are caused by a fungus, …
If the white noses are caused by a transmissible fungus, …
If the white noses are caused by a deadly fungus, …
…then healthy bats that contract the fungus should die at higher rates.
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…then healthy bats that come into contact with sick bats should develop white noses.
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…then the fungus should be observable and possibly cultivable from nose samples.
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1 answer

If the white noses are caused by a fungus, then the fungus should be observable and possibly cultivable from nose samples.

If the white noses are caused by a transmissible fungus, then healthy bats that come into contact with sick bats should develop white noses.

If the white noses are caused by a deadly fungus, then healthy bats that contract the fungus should die at higher rates.