Here are the matched definitions:
- transcendental author of the book, Walden - j. Henry David Thoreau
- formed a “utopian” community in New Harmony, Indiana - g. Robert Owen
- fought to place the mentally ill in hospitals for treatment rather than prisons - b. Dorothea Dix
- emphasized living a simple life and a relationship with nature over materialism - i. transcendentalism
- religion that stressed the inherent goodness of humankind - c. unitarianism
- peaceful form of protest - d. civil disobedience
- father of revivalism during the Second Great Awakening - f. Charles Grandison Finney
- emotional meetings rousing religious faith by passionate preaching and prayer - a. revival
- a leader in educational reform who improved school curriculum and established teacher training programs - e. Horace Mann
- a religious resurgence during the early 1800s, which spread religion through revivals and emotional preaching - h. Second Great Awakening