Match each step in the conversion of biomass into electricity with the appropriate number. For example, Step 1 represents the first step.

1. Step 1
water boils into steam
2. Step 2
biomass is burned
3. Step 3
generator produces electricity
4. Step 4
steam turns a turbine
5. Step 5
turbine powers a generator

1 answer

Here is the correct matching of each step in the conversion of biomass into electricity:

  1. Step 1 - Biomass is burned
  2. Step 2 - Water boils into steam
  3. Step 3 - Steam turns a turbine
  4. Step 4 - Turbine powers a generator
  5. Step 5 - Generator produces electricity

So, the matches are: 1 - 2
2 - 1
3 - 4
4 - 5
5 - 3