Match each statement with the correct amendment. Some amendments will be violated more than once.
Japanese who were suspected of spying sabotage or helping the enemy had their homes raided and had their things confiscated byt he FBI
Amendment 3 and 4
Before the signing of Executive Order Japanese suspected of helping the enemy were arrested and detained. They were never given a trial
Amendment 6 and 7
Japanese were unwillingly removed from their homes and placed in internment camps
Not sure which amendment
Althought most Japanese were punished b being placed in internment camps they never were put on trial and were treated as automatically guilty of disloyalty to US
Amendment 5
Those who replied no to certain questions in a loyalty quesitonnaire administered to the internees were takent o Tule Lake and considered disloyal They were being puinished for what they said
Amendment 1
Am I missing any amendment or is any of the amendments wrong for the statement?
THank you
1 answer