Here are the matches for each term and definition:
- Front matter - j. the information presented at the beginning of a book, chapter, or section
- Scanning - f. reading to look for specific information, saving you the time by not reading all the information
- Skimming - i. reading to get the overall idea, not learn a lot of details
- Evaluating - d. reading to judge and think critically about what you are reading
- Applying - e. reading to learn to take action for a goal
- Understanding - c. reading to learn details that explain concepts and provide a framework to learn more concepts and details
- Survey - h. reading to look carefully and thoroughly at something or to examine
- Graphic - g. visual representation of ideas and messages such as a picture, chart, or table
- Academic reading - a. reading in which the text is assigned by a teacher for a given purpose, for which you use a variety of strategies to understand and recall the concepts and detail of the text
- Casual reading - b. reading in which you assign your own purpose, use a variety of strategies, and frequently read for pleasure with no deadlines