match each battle with its importance and locate battle on the map

1. ____ Fort Sumter a. left Confederates 20 miles outside DC
2. ____ 1st Bull Run b. first battle of the Civil War
3. ____ Battle of Shiloh c. showed that this would not be a quick war
4. ____ 2nd Bull Run d. Lee surrenders to Grant
5. ____ Battle of Antietam e. helps Lincoln win re-election
6. ____ Vicksburg f. makes the confederacy in two
7. ____ Gettysburg g. battle in 1862, helps North secure the West
8. ____ Chattanooga h. Lincoln writes the Emancipation Proclamation
9. ____ Atlanta i. after Confederacy never invades North again
10.____ Appomattox Courthouse j. helps Union get control of Confederate RR

1 answer

What map?