Marta can best make a personal connection to understand Charlotte’s character by thinking of someone she knows who is talkative and energetic. This approach allows her to relate Charlotte's personality traits to someone familiar, which can enhance her understanding of Charlotte's character and behavior in the passage.
Marta is reading a passage from the book Wonder by R. J. Palacio.
Charlotte basically didn't stop talking as we headed down to the second floor. She was describing the play they had put on last year, which was Oliver! She played Oliver even though she's a girl. As she said this, she pushed open the double doors to a huge auditorium. At the other end of the room was a stage.
Charlotte started skipping toward the stage.
How can Marta best make a personal connection to understand Charlotte’s character?
Marta can make a mental picture of an auditorium and stage.
Marta can ask herself, “Where did I lose track?”
Marta can keep reading until she finishes the book.
Marta can think of someone she knows who is talkative and energetic.
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