Mark wants to paint a mural. He has 1 1/3 gallons of yellow paint, 1 1/4 green paint, and 7/8 gallon of blue paint. mark plans to use 3/4 gallon of each paint color. How many gallons of paint will he have left after painting the mural?
15 answers
Find the least common donimenator in 1/3,1/4 n 7/8, I can up with 24 for all bottom numbers.24 it should look like this....1 8/24+1 6/24+ 21/24. U add all the whole no#'s, then all the numerators. Your answer should be 2 35/24, now multipy the whole no# by the denomantor 2×24=48, then divide 48÷35, it gives you a decimal 1.371428571 n the answer is,1.371. Hope this helped
Hi Teshea. Thanks for your help. But one question said "now multiply the whole no# by the denominator 2x24=48, then divide 48/35, it gives you a decimal 1.371428571n the answer is 1.371.But I thought that when you multiply the whole number by the demoninator then you add the top number 35 and get 83. then you get 83/24 and divide and get 3.45833333333 and finally I get 3.458. ???? don't get it.
well, you pretty much have to roll in the mud and then jump in a toilet... pretty simple right? suits you
Hello. I got 2 17/24 as my answer from all of that. How did you guys get 1.371? Could you back up the work and stuff. I am so confused
No we can't roll in the mud. This is a grade on our records. This is also a youth website, so you should be trying to help kids like me. Respect this website. Thanks to you I'm going to have to guess cause you can't explain it good!
Hey, this websites is for middle schooler that don’t want to do thier home work and want thier answer this is stuff only teacher and parents need to use not thier children
what is the answer?
Are you guys serious we have kids fighting with adults over a math problem? Just give the answer.
Can someone just answer the question already
2 17/24
I got 1 5/24 gallons...
i also indeed got 1 5/24, i checked and believe this is correct
first of all. this was not helpful i am looking for fractions
I don’t get it