Marie worked out at Lifetime Fitness five nights a week. One day while she was lifting weights by the dumbbell rack, she was approached by Ali, who said he was new to America and complimented her physique and workout skills. Marie was polite but she decided to stop lifting weights and head towards the treadmills found on the other side of the gym. Ten minutes later, Ali got on a treadmill right beside her even though twenty others were available. Ali was clearly flirting with Marie to such a degree that Marie told him to stop, respect her space, and quit making her feel uncomfortable. Ali apologized and walked away. The next evening, Ali friend requested her on Facebook and sent her messages for her response. Marie told Ali to leave her alone and began to fear for her safety. It gets worse... Ali started showing up to her work at Chik-Fil-A, where she brought food to customers in the parking lot. He never ordered anything and sat there for two hours watching her. Later that night at her home, Ali's car was seen on her street parked two houses away from her own. Marie told her parents who then immediately called the police. The police arrived, questioned Ali, and arrested him. Ali never verbally threatened her.

What crime(s) did Ali commit?

No crime was committed

1 answer

The most appropriate answer is:

d. Stalking

Ali's actions of persistently following Marie, showing up at her workplace without any legitimate reason, and parking near her home after she clearly expressed her discomfort and asked him to leave her alone indicate a pattern of behavior that constitutes stalking. Stalking typically involves repeated, unwanted attention and harassment that would cause a reasonable person to feel fearful or unsafe.