To convert 6.125 into a fractional form, we start by expressing 6.125 as a fraction.
Identify the whole number: The whole number part of 6.125 is 6.
Convert the decimal part (0.125) to a fraction:
- \( 0.125 = \frac{125}{1000} \).
- Simplifying \( \frac{125}{1000} \) gives: \[ \frac{125 \div 125}{1000 \div 125} = \frac{1}{8} \]
Combine the whole number and the fraction:
- So, \( 6.125 \) can be expressed as: \[ 6 + \frac{1}{8} = 6 \frac{1}{8} \]
Among the options given, the correct answer is:
- 6 1/8
This is the simplified fractional form of 6.125.