Many scientists believe that there have been four Ice Ages in

the past 1 million years. Before the technique of carbon dating was known,
geologists erroneously believed that the retreat of the Fourth Ice Age began
about 25,000 years ago. In 1950, logs from ancient spruce trees ere found
under glacial debris near Two Creeks, WI. Geologists determined that these
trees had been crushed by the advance of ice during the Fourth Ice Age.
Wood from the spruce trees contained 27% of the level of 14C found in living
trees. Approximately how long did the Fourth Ice Age actually occur? Recall
that the decay constant of 14C is 0:00012.

1 answer

That's a lot of words to ask the question:
What is t, if
exp(-.00012t) = 0.27 ?

Solve for t (in years)