Many functions require some type of input data. When you call print(), for example, you pass in a string and possibly other parameters that will be combined in the output to the screen. Functions may also return some output data that can be used for other purposes. You have used the str.format() function to produce a string and the random.randrange() function to generate an integer. In this lesson, you are going to learn how to expand your own functions to accept input parameters and return output data.
Required (Positional) Parameters
If your function wants to receive input data, those data values should be identified by names that are listed inside the parentheses in the function "def" statement. These names are called parameters and you can list any number of parameters inside the parentheses; each represents a data value that must be passed into the function.
def <function name>(<param name 1>, <param name 2>, <etc...>):
Each parameter name acts like a variable within the function. The named parameters hold data and can be used in expressions and assignment statements just like any other variable! These parameters are how your function receives and processes data.
The illustration below shows the function greet() with two parameters, name and town, defined inside the parentheses.
Illustration of parameter positions
When these parameters are present, every time the greet() function is called, two input values (also called arguments) must be provided in the function call. We have shown greet() being called with "Rudy" as the first value and "Chicago" as the second value. The first value is automatically stored in the first parameter (name) and the second value is stored in the second parameter (town). We can then use name and town inside the function body as regular variables that hold data.
This automatic storage of input values in function parameters based on their positions in the list is very common. If you accidentally swap the input values, calling greet("Chicago","Rudy") instead, then "Chicago" would be stored in the name parameter, and "Rudy" would be stored in the town - even if it doesn't make much sense! It's up to you as the programmer to ensure that you pass in the required parameters in the correct order, as defined by the function.
The code below uses our greet() function example with two input parameters. Try running it to confirm the expected output. You can change the input values and watch how the output changes to match.
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As you can see, inside the greet() function, the name and town variables are used just like any other standard variables.
Default Parameters
It is possible to let programs call a function without providing all of the required data. Instead, you can use a default parameter to assign a default value to a parameter in your function definition. That way, if the function call does not provide data for that parameter, the default will be automatically assigned instead.
To define default values for parameters in your own function, simply enhance the "def" statement to set parameters equal to some default value. The example below assigns the default value "Atlanta" to the town variable in the greet() function.
def greet(name, town = "Atlanta"):
Now, when someone calls the greet() function, they can choose to pass in just the nameor to provide both name and town. If a value for town is missing, "Atlanta" will be automatically assigned instead. Run the code below to see default parameters in action!
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Named Parameters
You may want to call a function and specify just one among many optional parameters. Or, you may not remember the right order of the positional parameters. Fortunately, in Python, you can make function calls and provide the name of the parameter directly in the call! That way, you are sure that a particular value goes to a specific parameter, even if you've gotten things out of order.
To use named parameters, you don't need to do anything special in your function "def" statement. Python automatically allows anyone calling a function to use named parameters. In the example below, all three function calls to greet() will do the same thing. In cases where we pass in named "town" and "name" parameters, the order doesn't matter because each is specifically assigned to a parameter by name.
greet(town="Philadelphia", name="Betsy Ross") # use named parameters in any order
greet(name="Betsy Ross", town="Philadelphia") # use named parameters in any order
greet("Betsy Ross","Philadelphia") # rely on positional order
Here is a full example that demonstrates both optional and named parameters. Can you predict the output from each call to greet()? Try it and see!
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Return Values
Often, functions are built to return some useful data to the calling program. This is called a return value and the data might be a simple number, string, or Boolean value, or it could be a list, tuple, or more complex object. When your function wants to send data back to the calling program, it will use the return keyword.
When you use return on a line by itself with no other expression, then nothing will be returned from the function. The program flow simply transfers back to the calling location.
return # send nothing back
However, if you add a value or expression after return, that value or the results of the expression will be sent back to the calling function! The example below shows how to return a fixed value, the contents of a variable, or the results of a longer expression.
return 1.0 # send back the number 1.0
return results # send back the value stored in the "results" variable
return results + 1.0 # send back the value calculated from the expression "results + 1.0"
You can actually use more than one return statement inside a function. As your logic flows through the function, the first time it hits any return statement, the function will end and any output data is sent back immediately to the calling code. The remaining lines in the function body are skipped.
Carefully examine the calculate_grade() function in the example below. Notice that as soon as we identify a grade within the "if / elif / else" logic, we return that letter grade immediately. Can you see any path through the code where the "Never" value might be returned? It should not be possible to reach that statement because every path through the earlier logic results in a return. Try running the code with different input values and watch the results.
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When calling a function that returns a data value, your calling code basically has three choices:
Ignore the value completely, and it will be discarded
Store the value in a variable for later use
Use the value immediately in some other expression or statement
The three examples below demonstrate each of these approaches.
calculate_grade(85) # ignore the return data
grade = calculate_grade(85) # store the return data for later use
print("Your letter grade is: ",calculate_grade(85)) # use the return data immediately
Usually, when a function returns some data, you'll want to use that data in some fashion. But the exact approach is up to you and the needs of your program!
What are some example functions you have used that required input parameters?
How do you define and require input parameters in your own function?
What happens in you accidentally call a function with positional parameters in the wrong order?
How do you assign default values to your function parameters?
How can function callers use named parameters to ensure input values are assigned to specific parameters?
What keyword is used to return data from functions?
How many times can you add a return statement to a function? What happens when the first return is executed?
What options does the calling code have to handle data returned by a function?
5 answers
I define and require input parameters in my own functions by listing them inside the parentheses in the function definition. These parameters act as variables within the function and hold the input data that is passed in when the function is called.
If I accidentally call a function with positional parameters in the wrong order, the input values will be stored in the parameters based on their positions in the list, leading to unexpected behavior.
Default values can be assigned to function parameters by setting them equal to some default value in the function definition. This allows the caller to omit providing a value for that parameter, with the default value being automatically assigned instead.
Function callers can use named parameters to ensure that input values are assigned to specific parameters, regardless of their order in the function call. This provides more clarity and allows for easier handling of inputs.
The keyword used to return data from functions is "return".
You can have multiple return statements in a function, but as soon as one of them is executed, the function exits and the data is returned back to the calling code. Any remaining lines in the function are skipped.
The calling code can choose to ignore the returned data, store it in a variable for later use, or use it immediately in another expression or statement.
- Input parameters are specified in the function definition and act as variables.
- Default parameters can be assigned to provide a fallback value if an input is not provided.
- Named parameters allow for specifying values to specific parameters regardless of order.
- "return" keyword is used to send data back from a function.
- Multiple return statements can be used, but the function exits upon encountering the first one.
- Calling code can ignore, store, or immediately use the returned data from a function.
2. Input parameters are specified in the function definition and act as variables.
3. Default parameters can be assigned to provide a fallback value if an input is not provided.
4. Named parameters allow for specifying values to specific parameters regardless of order.
5. "return" keyword is used to send data back from a function.
6. Multiple return statements can be used, but the function exits upon encountering the first one.
7. Calling code can ignore, store, or immediately use the returned data from a function.