Many children grow up with a considerble

amount of violence in their lives protrayed in movies,video games,television,witnesing family
violence,or being victims of child
abuse themselves. Research on the effects of violence on children indicates:

1.that all children exposed to violence
become agressive.

2.that violence often has lasting and
damaging psychological effects.

3.that children exposed to violence will
develop mental illness.

4.that young children are actually quiet
resilient to the effects of violence.

Would the most appropriate answer be
(2)that violence often has lasting and
damaging psychological effects?

Or would (3)be the best answer?

I would go with #3 of those choices.

I think number 2 is the best answer. Number three depends on the definition of "mental illness". If nightmares, avoidance of war movies, or disbelief in the rightness of our government is mental illness, then violence in Vietnam made me mentally ill. So to me, number three is arguable, but hinges on what is a mental illness. Number two seems a better choice.

I agree with BobPursley. Number two says "often . . ." The other choices make flat statements. Not everyone reacts to violence in the same way.

Sorry 'bout that.... I agree with Bob and Sue... next time I promise to wear my glasses when reading the screen!!!!!

For whatever it's worth, I go with #2 also.