Many arctic organisms have adapted to their environment by changing their fur color from brown to white when there is snow on the ground. The change in fur color is triggered by the shorter daylight hours. These arctic areas are having fewer months with snow on the ground. How could natural selection play a role in the survival of these organisms?
Arctic organisms that can change their color later in the fall and earlier in the spring have a better chance for surviving since they will be better camouflaged when there is no snow.
Arctic organisms that keep their white feathers or fur later in the spring will have a better chance of survival since they will be better camouflaged as they live in the snowbanks.
Arctic organisms that do not change their feather/fur colors in the winter will have a better chance of survival since there are fewer months with snow on the ground.
Arctic organisms that can stay white throughout the year will have a better chance of survival since they can live in the snow in the winter, and then migrate to other areas in the summer.
Carp are a type of fish that live in freshwater ecosystems. Through the process of natural selection, Carp have developed an adaptation that allows them to increase their gill surface when fertilizer run-offs cause higher populations of algae in their ecosystem. Why is this an important adaptation?
Increasing the gill surface allowed the Carp to move closer to the surface of the water so they can eat the algae.
The increased gill surface enables the Carp to camouflage itself better among the algae.
The increased gill surface allowed the Carp to stay underwater longer and avoid the algae on the surface.
The increased population of algae lowers the oxygen levels in the water, so the increased gill surface allows the fish to better absorb the limited oxygen supply.
In the Caribbean, areas that once had thriving populations of organisms have been overfished. Decreases in the fish population lead to decreases in the overall diversity of species in the area. Which of the following could increase the number of species back into this area?
Building artificial reefs and limiting fishing activity
Building artificial reefs and increasing fishing activity
Eliminating non-native species and encouraging fishing for large predatory fish
Introducing non-native species to fill unoccupied habitats and banning fishing
The kokerboom tree grows in desert areas in southern Africa. Temperatures have been rising in southern Africa, and scientists predict that this warming trend will continue. Kokerboom trees in the hottest parts of their range near the equator are dying, but kokerboom trees at high elevations or in parts of the range that are farther from the equator are growing and reproducing.
Which of these best explains what is happening to the kokerboom tree population in southern Africa?
As the kokerboom trees in the hottest part of the range die, they are producing seeds that will be able to grow in the hottest part of the range.
Kokerboom trees in hottest part of their range have been unable to adapt to the rising temperatures.
Kokerboom trees in the cooler regions of the range have not been able to disperse their seeds to the warmer part of the range.
The kokerboom tree has been unable to adapt to the rising temperatures throughout its' range, and will likely become extinct.
Which of the following is likely to cause a change in the genetic traits in a species of tree lizards?
A wildfire that burns the leaves and brush on the forest floor
An unusually dry summer
The introduction of a species of plant that increases the locations where the lizards can live.
An invasive predator that preys on the brightest colored lizards
A plant breeder developed a potato plant that produced more tubers (the part of the root that people eat) and was resistant to fungi that killed the underground tubers. How did the plant breeder's process in developing this potato compare to the process of natural selection?
The plant breeder's process did not include any environmental pressures to change the characteristics of the potatoes.
The plant breeder's process did not include selecting certain plants when trying to develop new characteristics.
The plant breeder's process was slower than natural selection.
The plant breeder's process did not impact the genetic makeup of the plant.
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Question 7
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The picture below shows the same species of beetles that live on a tree. Some of the beetles are dark colored, and some are light colored. What is the most likely result to occur to the beetle population over time due to the predators that eat the beetles?
The number of light-colored beetles in the population will increase.
The number of light-colored beetles will decrease.
There will be more dark-colored beetles than light-colored beetles.
The dark-colored beetles will move to a different type of tree.
Which of the following is an example of selective breeding?
Some corn plants have adapted to being more drought resistant due to their environment.
Cow birds pick insects off cows. This is beneficial to both organisms. The cows get insects removed that can bite them and transmit disease. The cow birds get a meal.
A species of the strawberry plant with large leaves is pollinated by a bee. The pollen is from a strawberry plant of the same species, but the leaves are slightly smaller. The result is a plant with medium sized leaves.
Strawberries that are heat tolerant are crossed with strawberries that last longer after they are picked. The result is a strawberry that can withstand higher growing temperatures and have a longer shelf life
An example of natural selection in a tropical butterfly species has been seen in the species bolina. The male population of bolina has developed a way to fight against a highly invasive, male-killing bacteria. The bacteria kills the males before they hatched from the egg, and was so successful, the male population of the butterfly dropped to 1% at its' lowest point. In than five years, after the adaptation of the male, the male population of butterflies has increased to 39%. Researchers believe this may be the fastest response and recovery to an environmental pressure that has been observed. How could the male butterflies manage such a fast response to the male-killing bacteria?
Female butterflies in the population that survived had a genetic adaptation that allowed them to transform into male butterflies.
Female butterflies in the population that survived were able to protect the male eggs from the bacteria and provide extra care for the male offspring.
Female butterflies can reproduce quickly so the males that survive are able to pass their favorable trait to their offspring.
Male butterflies in the population that survived were able to prey on the bacteria that was in the egg cells of the butterflies.
Frogs in Texas are highly adapted to the area they live in. A certain frog species has pupils that have vertical slits, and brown backs with light colored bellies. They eat insects and spiders, and their offspring develop quickly in puddles and ponds that that form after it rains. Adults live in holes that they dig in the ground.
What has this species of frog adapted to in its' area?
Lack of soil
Lack of Water
Low oxygen levels
Freezing temperatures
Im not doing well in science... I need help with these questions because I cant fail yet I don't remember reading any of these. It would mean the world to me if someone helped. thank you <3
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