Mankind has won a victory over the horizontal. New York aims overhead, is in perpetual pugilism with space. From the hard rock of Manhattan, man has shot up to conquer the clouds.

Excerpt from "Manhattan Tropics" by Guillermo Cotto-Thorner is being reprinted with permission from the publisher (©Arte Público Press - University of Houston)

Use the passage to answer the question.

Which best describes the mood that is created by the language in this excerpt?

(1 point)

weak and uneasy
weak and uneasy

blunt and sarcastic
blunt and sarcastic

proud and defiant
proud and defiant

joyful and elated

1 answer

The mood that is created by the language in this excerpt can best be described as proud and defiant. The imagery of conquering clouds and the phrase "perpetual pugilism with space" conveys a sense of triumph and ambition, celebrating human achievement in overcoming challenges.