Unfortunately, as a text-based AI, I am unable to create visual content such as graphs. However, I can help you describe the procedure and results of your investigation.
1. Set up the experiment by filling a clear container with water.
2. Place an aquatic plant (e.g., Elodea) in the container, ensuring that it is fully submerged.
3. Position a light source (e.g., a lamp) above the container to provide the plant with light energy.
4. Start a stopwatch or timer to record the time.
5. Observe the plant closely and count the number of oxygen bubbles released each minute for at least 5 minutes.
6. Record the number of bubbles for each minute in a data table.
Data Table:
| Time (minutes) | Number of Oxygen Bubbles |
| 1 | |
| 2 | |
| 3 | |
| 4 | |
| 5 | |
Once you have collected the data, you can create a graph by following these steps:
1. Choose the appropriate type of graph to represent your data. In this case, a line graph would be suitable to track changes over time.
2. Label the horizontal axis as "Time (minutes)" and the vertical axis as "Number of Oxygen Bubbles."
3. Plot each data point by placing a dot or marker at the respective time and bubble count.
4. Connect the plotted points with a line, representing the trend of oxygen bubble release over time.
5. Add a title above the graph, e.g., "Number of Oxygen Bubbles Released per Minute."
6. Include a key or legend if necessary.
7. Ensure your graph is clear, neat, and includes appropriate units of measurement.
Remember to interpret and analyze the graph in your lab report, discussing any trends or patterns observed.
Making a graph is a good way to show data visually.
Make a graph of the number of oxygen bubbles that are released per minute for at least 5 minutes. Plot the time in minutes on the horizontal axis and the number of bubbles you counted each minute on the vertical axis.
If you were not able to collect the materials for this investigation, you may use the charts below to complete your lab report. These charts do not indicate expected results for the investigations.
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