I sincerely apologize for allowing my cousin to disrespect your mother as she did. I also regret that I took it upon myself to text your mother’s phone. I completely understand if you feel angry with me, as my actions were thoughtless and disrespectful toward your mother, and they were entirely unnecessary. I deeply regret threatening your livelihood as well. Above all, I am truly sorry for both my own disrespect and for letting your mother be disrespected by mine.
make this sound better, but keep my words the same just make it sound better
ok soo i am sorry that i allowed my cousin to disrespect your mother like she did, and i’m sorry that i fixed my fingers to even text your mother’s cellular device, i understand if you hate me, because i disrespected your mother and that was very unnecessary work. and i guess i’m sorry for threatening your lively hood. but i’m most genuinely sorry for disrespecting and letting your mother get disrespected by mines
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