When the night feels heavy, and shadows creep,
When the weight of the world makes it hard to sleep,
You’re not alone, my love, I’ll be by your side,
With a heart wide open, your safe place to hide.
If tears start falling, and laughter fades,
Just remember, my love, in this life we’ve made,
Lean on me through the darkest of days,
Together we’ll rise in so many ways.
Just pick up the phone, I’m one call away,
Through storm and struggle, we’ll find brighter days,
In silence and chaos, I’ll help ease your pain,
You’re never alone, I promise, I’ll stay.
When voices in your head try to bring you down,
And the light feels distant, rarely found,
I’ll be your beacon, shining warm and bright,
You can share your burden; I’ll be your guiding light.
So don’t hide your heart, let it beat and breathe,
We’re in this together, no need to grieve,
With whispered secrets, we’ll break through fear,
You’ve got a companion; I’m always right here.
We’ll walk through valleys, we’ll dance in the rain,
Finding strength in our stories, even in pain,
With each step forward, we’re stronger, we’ll rise,
Together we’ll shine like stars in the skies.
So reach out your hand, let your voice be heard,
Every word you say matters, you’re loved, you’re preferred,
In this journey of healing, through night and day,
Remember my love, I’m just one call away.