Make ten multiple choice questions to the book "To Kill a Mockingbird with answers

1 answer

1) What is the setting of "To Kill a Mockingbird"?
a) New York City
b) Los Angeles
c) Maycomb, Alabama
d) Chicago

Answer: c) Maycomb, Alabama

2) Who is the protagonist of the story?
a) Atticus Finch
b) Jem Finch
c) Scout Finch
d) Boo Radley

Answer: c) Scout Finch

3) What is the name of the recluse who lives near the Finch family?
a) Tom Robinson
b) Heck Tate
c) Boo Radley
d) Bob Ewell

Answer: c) Boo Radley

4) Who is accused of raping Mayella Ewell in the novel?
a) Atticus Finch
b) Jem Finch
c) Tom Robinson
d) Bob Ewell

Answer: c) Tom Robinson

5) What is Atticus Finch's occupation?
a) Doctor
b) Lawyer
c) Sheriff
d) Farmer

Answer: b) Lawyer

6) What event takes place at the end of the novel?
a) Scout is kidnapped by Bob Ewell
b) Boo Radley is killed by Bob Ewell
c) Bob Ewell attacks Jem and Scout
d) Tom Robinson is acquitted

Answer: c) Bob Ewell attacks Jem and Scout

7) What is the nickname given to Arthur Radley?
a) Grim Reaper
b) Boo Radley
c) Scary Sam
d) Quiet Quentin

Answer: b) Boo Radley

8) Who does Scout dress up as for the Halloween pageant?
a) A witch
b) A princess
c) A pumpkin
d) A ham

Answer: d) A ham

9) Who is the judge overseeing Tom Robinson's trial?
a) Judge Judy
b) Judge John Taylor
c) Judge Joe Brown
d) Judge Mathis

Answer: b) Judge John Taylor

10) What lesson does Atticus Finch teach Scout about understanding others?
a) "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view."
b) "You never really know someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes."
c) "You never truly comprehend someone until you've lived in their shoes."
d) "You never fully grasp a person's perspective until you've worn their shoes."

Answer: a) "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view."