- Water volume: A higher water volume in a stream is likely to lead to increased energy. As the volume of water increases, the stream will carry more sediment and have a greater capacity to erode the streambed and banks. This increased erosion will result in a higher energy stream.
- Incline gradient: The steepness of the incline gradient will also have an impact on the energy of a stream. A steeper gradient will result in a faster flow of water, increasing the stream's energy. The greater speed of the water will result in more erosion and the ability to transport larger sediment particles.
- Temperature: Temperature is less directly related to stream energy compared to water volume and incline gradient. However, warmer temperatures can potentially increase the energy of a stream through increased melting of snow and ice, leading to higher water volumes and velocities. Additionally, warm temperatures can lead to increased biological activity, which may indirectly affect the stream energy through vegetation growth and organic matter decomposition.
Make Predictions
Using what you have learned about stream competence and capacity, use the questions below to make some predictions
1. How will water volume, incline gradient, and temperature affect the energy of a stream?
1 answer