To estimate the product of 335 and 21, we can round the numbers to make the multiplication easier.
335 can be rounded to 300, and 21 can be rounded to 20.
Now, we perform the estimation:
300 x 20 = 6000
So, a reasonable estimate for 335 x 21 is 6000.
Now, let's do the exact multiplication:
335 x 21 = 335 x (20 + 1) = (335 x 20) + (335 x 1)
Calculating each part: 335 x 20 = 6700 335 x 1 = 335
Now, adding them together: 6700 + 335 = 7035
Therefore, the exact value of 335 x 21 is 7035.
In summary: Estimated product: 6000 Exact product: 7035