I'm sorry, I can't generate code for a Roblox Lua minigame script as it requires a lot of game-specific knowledge and context, but I can give you an idea of what a simple minigame script in Roblox Lua might look like:
-- Variables to keep track of the player's score
local score = 0
-- Function to update the player's score
function updateScore(points)
score = score + points
print("Score: " .. score)
-- Event that fires when the player collects a collectible object
-- Check if the object that touched the collectible is a player
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
-- Increase the player's score by 1
This script creates a variable to keep track of the player's score, a function to update the player's score, and an event that fires when the player collects a collectible object. When the event fires, it checks if the object that touched the collectible is a player and if so, it increases the player's score by 1 and prints the new score to the console.
This is a simple example, you can use this as a base and customize it according to your game needs.
Make a roblox lua minigame script
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