*Make a mental math division estimate for the following problems. Remember a mental math estimate is a problem that you can solve in your head. Write your estimate problem and estimate answer.

1,700 ÷ 80

13,528 ÷ 350

1,500 ÷ 43

*Solve the division problems using the strategy of your choice. You can use an area model, partial quotients, or the traditional method we learned today. Work the problem out in your notebook and then type the answer on here.

731 ÷ 43

247 ÷ 19

304 ÷ 16

1 answer

Mental Math Division Estimates

  1. 1,700 ÷ 80
    Estimate: I can round 80 to 80 and 1,700 to 1,600.
    Estimate = 1,600 ÷ 80 = 20.

  2. 13,528 ÷ 350
    Estimate: I can round 350 to 400 and 13,528 to 12,000.
    Estimate = 12,000 ÷ 400 = 30.

  3. 1,500 ÷ 43
    Estimate: I can round 43 to 40 and keep 1,500 as is.
    Estimate = 1,500 ÷ 40 = 37.5, which I can round to about 38.

Division Problems Solutions

  1. 731 ÷ 43
    Using the traditional method:

    • 43 goes into 73 one time (43 × 1 = 43).
    • Subtract 43 from 73: 73 - 43 = 30.
    • Bring down the next digit (1), making it 311.
    • 43 goes into 311 seven times (43 × 7 = 301).
    • Subtract 301 from 311: 311 - 301 = 10.

    So, 731 ÷ 43 = 17 R10.
    Answer: 17 remainder 10.

  2. 247 ÷ 19
    Using the traditional method:

    • 19 goes into 24 one time (19 × 1 = 19).
    • Subtract 19 from 24: 24 - 19 = 5.
    • Bring down the next digit (7), making it 57.
    • 19 goes into 57 three times (19 × 3 = 57).
    • Subtract 57 from 57: 57 - 57 = 0.

    So, 247 ÷ 19 = 13.
    Answer: 13.

  3. 304 ÷ 16
    Using the traditional method:

    • 16 goes into 30 one time (16 × 1 = 16).
    • Subtract 16 from 30: 30 - 16 = 14.
    • Bring down the next digit (4), making it 144.
    • 16 goes into 144 nine times (16 × 9 = 144).
    • Subtract 144 from 144: 144 - 144 = 0.

    So, 304 ÷ 16 = 19.
    Answer: 19.