Here’s a crossword puzzle featuring 15 words related to locations and professions. Below is the layout of the puzzle along with the clues.
Crossword Layout:
1 2 3 4 5
1 E L A P E L U Q U E R I A
2 B A N C O L E G A O D
3 I C E C R E A M O F
4 B I B L I O T E C A L
5 C A F E T E R I A
- (1 Across) Place where you can get haircuts (Spanish)
- (2 Across) Place to keep and manage money (Spanish)
- (3 Across) A place specializing in sweet cold treats (Spanish)
- (4 Across) Place where you can find books (Spanish)
- (5 Across) A place to grab a light meal or drink (Spanish)
- (1 Down) Building where those who will explore their faith can pray (Spanish to English)
- (2 Down) Place where you might see a play or film (Spanish)
- (3 Down) Location for shopping with many stores (Spanish)
- (4 Down) A facility for sports and fitness (Spanish)
- (5 Down) Place where you can receive medical care (Spanish)
Word List:
- el aeropuerto (airport)
- la peluquería (hair salon)
- el banco (bank)
- la plaza (plaza)
- el restaurante (restaurant)
- la biblioteca (library)
- la sala de conciertos (concert hall)
- la cafetería (cafeteria)
- la sinagoga (synagogue)
- el cine (cinema)
- el centro comercial (mall)
- el teatro (theater)
- la iglesia (church)
- el hospital (hospital)
- el museo (museum)
Note: Please note that crossword can't be easily translated into a text format. You might need to recreate it digitally or on paper for an engaging experience.