Group Members:
1. Maya Smith
2. Jamal Patel
3. Sarah Chen
[Insert approved creative medium here]
Make a copy of this google doc and put all group member names at the top; if you are working in a group, only one member has to make a copy and submit this assignment to Schoology.
This project is due EOP on February 23 (A Day) or February 26 (B Day)
Your group will come up with your own creative medium to display your understanding of some or all of “The Most Dangerous Game.” You have full creative freedom and can do whatever you would like. However, WHATEVER CREATIVE MEDIUM YOU CHOOSE MUST BE APPROVED BY ME!!!
Previous student ideas (YOU CANNOT USE THESE IDEAS):
Write and act out alternate ending
“The Most Dangerous Game” Comic Book
Post-story character interview
“The Most Dangerous Game” board game or game show
1 answer