Macbeth Reader Response Questions
1. How does your research into the social and political realities of the period affect your understanding of the play? Does your understanding of the Elizabethan experience help you understand the narrative?
2. Trace the evolving moral or spiritual values of a character from the play at different points in the development of the play. What elements of the play strengthen the author's presentation of the theme?
3. Critical Literacy: identify and analyze the perspectives and/or biases evident in the play regarding beliefs, values, identity, and power.
4. Explain on the basis of research, how the historical/or cultural context of a play accounts for the social attitudes expressed by its characters. What social and legal conditions of this period might help us understand the actions and attitudes of the female characters in the text? How do Shakespeare's tragedies illustrate the Elizabethan concept of Chain of Being? Have these publications been known to represent particular political leanings historically?
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