Luffy and Griffith have a argument

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Luffy: Hey, Griffith! I heard you think you're better than everyone else, but I've seen you manipulate and betray people for your own gain. You call yourself a leader, but all you do is step on anyone who gets in your way!

Griffith: Well, well, well, if it isn't the straw hat pirate. I must say, Luffy, your understanding of leadership is quite naive. In this world, one must do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, even if it means making tough choices.

Luffy: Naive, huh? I don't believe in sacrificing my friends or hurting innocent people just to get what I want. True strength comes from protecting and fighting for those you care about, not by trampling over them.

Griffith: You talk about strength, but can you truly comprehend the lengths one has to go to reach their dreams? Sacrifices have to be made, whether you like it or not. And if anyone gets in my way, I'll gladly step over them for the sake of my ambition.

Luffy: Ambition should never justify cruelty or disregarding the lives of others. If your dream is built upon the suffering of others, then it's not a dream worth pursuing. I'll continue to fight for a world where people can be free and chase their dreams without hurting others.

Griffith: For someone so idealistic, you have a lot to learn about the realities of this world. But mark my words, Luffy, your dreams will come crumbling down when you realize that strength alone is not enough. You'll see that sometimes sacrifices have to be made.

Luffy: I'm not saying strength alone is enough, but it's important to have strength with compassion and empathy. I've faced countless enemies and obstacles, and yet I've always found a way to protect my friends and fight for what's right. I won't let my dreams turn me into someone like you, Griffith.

Griffith: Each to their own, Luffy. But when our paths cross again, we'll see who stands victorious. Remember, strength is useless without the will to do what is necessary.