Love-Charm Song (Ojibway)

I can make
That man bashful
I wonder
What can be the matter
That he is so bashful.

Song of a Maiden Disappointed in Love (Blackfoot)

My lover looked like an eagle from a distance,
But alas!
When he came nearer I saw that he was
Nothing but a buzzard

What are the key differences between the viewpoints of a man's love song and a woman's love song?

Help please, I have no idea what the answer is.

1 answer

Well, remember the pronouns first.
*He: Shows that a woman is speaking.
*"Nothing but a buzzard". "Nothing" shows that the narrator is speaking him as a low grade.
*Bashful: Shy, relucant

Just find some key words and differences between the viewpoints between the narrators love song.
**("Eagle" is also one key word that you should see.)