LORD OF THE FLIES summary to 10 sentences

1 answer

"Lord of the Flies," written by William Golding, tells the story of a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island after a plane crash. Initially, the boys attempt to establish order and work together for their survival, electing Ralph as their leader. They prioritize tasks like building shelters and maintaining a signal fire to attract rescue ships. However, tensions rise between Ralph and Jack, who seeks power and becomes increasingly obsessed with hunting. As the group's civilization begins to break down, fear of a mythical "beast" on the island exacerbates their descent into savagery.

The boys' moral compasses deteriorate, leading to violent conflicts and tragic events, including the death of Simon, a boy who embodies morality and truth. The group fractures, with Jack leading a tribe that embraces chaos and brutality. Ultimately, the arrival of a naval officer prompts the boys to confront the darkness within themselves. The story serves as a commentary on the inherent evil present in human nature and the fragile veneer of civilization. In the end, the boys are rescued, but they are left profoundly changed by their experiences on the island.