Here are two journals indexed in Scopus and related to self-regulated learning strategies:
1. Journal: Metacognition and Learning
Publisher: Springer
Description: This journal focuses on research related to metacognition, self-regulated learning, and self-regulation. It covers topics such as self-regulated learning strategies, metacognitive awareness, self-assessment, goal setting, motivation, and more.
2. Journal: Educational Psychology Review
Publisher: Springer
Description: This journal publishes systematic reviews, theoretical discussions, and methodological advancements related to educational psychology. It covers topics such as self-regulated learning, self-regulated strategies, self-assessment, self-efficacy, motivation, and metacognition.
Please note that journal rankings and indexation may vary, so it is always a good practice to double-check the indexation status of the journals before considering them for research.
Looking for at least 2 journals in scopus index or clarivate analytics journals related in this topic self regulated learning strategies.
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