look up these people or places and state who or what they are:

Bastille: royal prison and fortress

Corday: a Girondist who assassinated a leading Jacobin, Jean-Paul Marat

Feudal: economic and social

Girondists: One of the most important clubs, whose members came from an area of France called Gironde

Danton: one of the radical leaders of the revolution

Jacobins: one of the most important clubs, who met at Paris monastery of Saint Jacques.

Marat: one of the radical leaders of the revolution who got murdered in his bath by Charlotte Corday.

Marie: member of the Austrian royal family who married Louis XVI

Necker: new director of the treasury with Louis.

Versailles: a village in which Louis XIV built a vast palace.

Add more to these if you can, please and thank you.

7 answers

Bastille: royal prison and fortress

Why is the Bastille known today? What does July 14 celebrate in France?

Feudal: economic and social

More information needed.

Girondists: One of the most important clubs, whose members came from an area of France called Gironde

What did they believe? What part did they play in the Revolution?

Marie: member of the Austrian royal family who married Louis XVI

What happened to Marie Antoninette?
YOU'RE supposed to look them up, right?

Enter each of the terms you listed until you find a definition that you understand.



Bastille: royal prison and fortress which got attacked by a great mob on July 14, 1789.

Feudal: The social system that developed in Europe in the 8th century; vassals were protected by lords who they had to serve in war.

Girondists: One of the most important clubs, whose members came from an area of France called Gironde. This club started ou moderate and middle-class. Originally a branch of the Jacobin Club. Wanted sweeping changes in government,& were viewed as too conservative by some revolutionaries.

Marie: member of the Austrian royal family who married Louis XVI. She had an idealized view of peasant life and even built a little farm at Versailles so she could play at farming. She was extravgant and loved fine things.She helped select government ministers without knowing the responsibilities of their portfolios, and regardless of thier capabilities.

Is this better. please add anything needed.
I'd add that Marie Antoinette was executed on the guillotine because the mob resented her aristocratic greed.

The storming of the Batille is a symbol of the people's uprising against the monarchy. Although it only held a few prisoners, it respresented the overthrow of the government.
thank you very much. Overall is everything good?
would the storming of the batille go under bastille