Look on your calculator. You know the definition of pH. It is pH=-log(H^+). Well, we have the same thing in pKa, pKb, pOH, pKw, etc etc.

pKsp = -log Ksp.
Punch 57.685 into the calculator. Now change the sign to make it negative. Now look for a button that says 10x and punch that. The answer is something like ??? x 10^-58.
Try it. You'll like it.

A really weird salt of the type A3B4 is put into water and the saturated solution forms. For this salt, pKsp = 57.685. What is the base-10 log of the solubility? (Need logarithm for answer)

Can someone give me some steps to follow?

is it 2.065e-58 ?

If so, how do I give that answer as a logarithm? This might sound kind of silly, but I haven't done logs in awhile... but does that mean the answer needs to contain "log" of something?


Yes, that's the answer.
If pKsp= 57.685, then
Ksp= 2.065 x 10-58.
The "logarithm" is in the formula for the conversion.