Look in the owner’s manual of your car to determine the amount of gasoline your tank can hold. Using the information presented in the text, calculate how much carbon dioxide is produced from driving your car for a year assuming that all the gas is octane (C8H18). You may not look up the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from a gallon of gas on the internet to complete this discussion board post. The intention of this exercise is for you to use concepts such as density, balancing chemical equations, moles, etc. to determine your car’s carbon dioxide emission.. please help, i dont know how to start this problem

1 answer

I don't see that you've done anything yet. The question is about your car, not mine. How much does the tank hold? How much do you drive in a year. How many miles do you put on. What is the gas mileage. Write and balance the equation. Then you use stoichiometry. Do you know how to do that? If not, exactly what do you not understand about it. I will help you through this but I won't do it for you. By the way, you will need the density of octane, also.